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Why We Changed: Kind Care

We're SO excited- we are proud to announce that Nurses Etc. is rebranding and changing our name to "Kindcare" to better reflect our goals and values. Thank you for supporting us through our brand-new journey!

While Nurses Etc. Staffing has served countless patients, caregivers, and facilities over an incredible span of ten years, we decided that the heart and soul of our company name did not embody who we are, what we stand for, and who we aspire to become. We reflected on our name, our journey, our values, and our mission, and realized that in order to make a greater impact, we had to change. We must serve more. We must give more. We must do more for others. So, the idea for Kindcare came to fruition.

With Nurses Etc. Staffing’s goal to provide competitive job opportunities to caregivers and provide facilities with reliable, exceptional staffing support at the front of our minds, we expanded and elaborated on that idea with Kindcare. In addition to the work we have carried over from Nurses Etc. Staffing, Kindcare now stands to meet the ever-changing staffing demands of healthcare while delivering truly "kind" "care" that encompasses everyone we come in contact with, and serves beyond employment and filling staffing needs. We strive to make a difference and leave an imprint in the lives of our caregivers, the people we serve, and the facilities we have the honor of working alongside.

As we make the transition from Nurses Etc. Staffing into Kindcare, it should be noted that we aren’t dissolving Nurses Etc. completely. While we focus on staffing, service, and community involvement in our new chapter called “Kindcare,” Nurses Etc. will remain as the education portion of our company. For years, Nurses Etc. has held CNA certification courses to help educate the newest generation of medical professionals. Now, more than ever, the healthcare field needs fresh faces with a passion for caregiving. Through our Nurses Etc. CNA classes, we will continue to uplift, educate, and add compassionate, caring professionals to the workforce.

As we introduce Kindcare, we are able to not just be “feet on the floor” when it comes to healthcare- we intend to leave footprints everywhere we go. Whether it’s supporting our staff, our facilities, our patients, or our community, Kindcare will allow for the full realization of our goals and aspirations for a truly kind healthcare company.


For our employees:

Kindcare strives to provide flexible scheduling hours and locations, premium pay, and 24/7 staffing support, in addition to providing our employees with the ability to succeed at work and at home. Through Kindcare, we have built a platform to align a passion for caregiving with a strong support system in order to create lasting impacts in the lives of those our caregivers serve.

For our clients and facilities:

Together, we will staff better patient outcomes. Our Kindcare staff do not just show up to do their job; they show up to excel, to be team players, to support other employees, and to ensure every patient experiences compassion. Utilizing a staffing agency that sets a standard of kind care boosts facility morale, prevents burnout for current staff, and ensures that every patients’ needs are met. Together, we can diversify and expand the pool of top-quality caregivers available to care for patients.

For our communities:

Kindcare's goal is to serve with kindness and compassion, to connect people with their own passions, and to give back to our community so that our community can come together to give to each other. Through our new “One Million Hours” campaign and our “Kind-Cares” initiatives, we are creating avenues for charitable actions. Kindcare endeavors for unity, collaboration, and the opportunity to connect all generations to each other to contribute towards a kinder community.

For our patients:

We emphasize kindness in the patient care experience we provide. All of Kindcare’s staff treats those they care for with the dignity and respect they deserve. We understand that through caregiving, Kindcare is entering the homes of our patients. We aim to bring that feeling of “home” into the care we provide. Kindcare honors and appreciates the opportunity to serve all the patients we care for.

Kind care. It's what we do. It's what you deserve. Thank you to those we serve, and to those we have the pleasure of serving alongside. Together, we will create a kinder, healthier world.


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