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4 Tips to Prepare for Working This Winter

The year is coming to a close, and winter is advancing quickly. With snowy weather on the horizon, our employees should prepare early for any obstacles or setbacks winter weather brings when it comes to getting to work.

1) Winterize your vehicle. Make sure that you have appropriate tires for driving in the ice and snow. In addition, check your tire pressure, car battery, oil, and windshield wipers. You should carry an emergency kit in your car. An emergency kit should contain at minimum: jumper cables, warm clothes, a bag of sand (or non-clumping cat litter) for tire traction, non-perishable snacks, a multi-tool, road flares, a first aid kit, an ice scraper and snow brush, a portable phone charger, bottled water, a flashlight and batteries, and a collapsible snow shovel.

2) Plan accordingly. If you know your vehicle is unable to travel in bad weather conditions or has trouble starting in the cold, do not schedule a shift for days where you might encounter these problems. Instead, check the weather for the days you are requesting to work and make sure that you will be able to make it to your shift. If you schedule a shift a week in advance and see that the weather is changing for the worse and think you might night be able to make it into your shift, call the scheduler at least 72 hours in advance.

3) Make sure all of your vaccines and health records are up to date. During winter weather, especially with COVID on the rise, it might be difficult to find time to schedule doctor’s appointments. Make sure you get your flu shot and review your vaccination records with your doctor. In addition, keep up with your regular COVID testing as mandated. Staying healthy is of the utmost importance: for yourself, for your friends, for your family, and for your patients you care for!

4) Prepare for the change in temperature. Get your winter clothes out and make sure you always have a coat, gloves, and hat on hand always. Indiana winters can often be unpredictable, and temperatures can drop quickly. Make sure you are protecting your health, especially your skin, with warm, protective clothes. If possible, keep a thermal blanket in your car in case of an emergency. Extra pairs of gloves and a spare hat in the console can come in handy. Break out a waterproof pair of boots to protect your feet from getting uncomfortably cold as you head into your shift- wear your non-slip shoes indoors only to keep them dry and serving their purpose.

Preparing early and ahead of time is key to making sure you're ready to face the challenges of cold weather. Get your car and yourself ready for the drop in temperature, make sure your health is a top priority, and always be vigilant of the changing weather. We care about all of our staff members and want them to remain safe and healthy during this winter season. Put winter preparedness in the front of your mind as December advances!


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